
Egg Toy: A Fun and Educational Toy for Kids of All Ages

Egg toy is a type of toy that consists of a plastic egg that contains a surprise inside. The surprise can be a small figurine, a sticker, a puzzle, a game, or any other item that can fit inside the egg. Egg toy is also known as surprise egg, mystery egg, or blind bag. Egg toy is popular among kids of all ages, as they enjoy the thrill of opening the egg and discovering what is inside. Egg toy can also be educational, as it can teach kids about different topics, such as animals, colors, shapes, numbers, letters, and more. In this article, we will discuss the history, types, benefits, and drawbacks of egg toy.


Egg toy originated in Germany in 1974, when the chocolate company Kinder introduced the Kinder Surprise, a chocolate egg that contained a plastic capsule with a toy inside. The Kinder Surprise was inspired by the traditional Easter egg hunt, where children search for hidden eggs that contain candy or other treats. The Kinder Surprise became a hit among children and adults alike, as it combined the joy of chocolate and the excitement of a surprise. The Kinder Surprise also became a collector’s item, as it featured different series of toys that changed every year.

Since then, egg toy has evolved and diversified into various forms and brands. Some of the most popular egg toy brands are Hatchimals, LOL Surprise, Ryan’s World, and Disney Princess. These brands offer different types of egg toy, such as hatching eggs, glitter eggs, giant eggs, and themed eggs. These brands also offer different types of surprises, such as plushies, dolls, accessories, stickers, and more.


There are many types of egg toy available in the market, each with its own features and characteristics. Some of the most common types of egg toy are:

  • Hatching eggs: These are eggs that contain an animal or a creature that hatches from the egg when activated by sound, touch, or light. The hatching process can take from minutes to hours, depending on the type of egg. The hatched animal or creature can interact with the child by making sounds, moving, or changing colors. Some examples of hatching eggs are Hatchimals, Little Live Pets, and Rainbocorns.
  • Glitter eggs: These are eggs that contain glittery surprises inside. The glitter can be part of the egg shell or the surprise itself. The glitter can also have different colors and shapes. Some examples of glitter eggs are LOL Surprise Glitter Globe, Hatchimals Pixies Crystal Flyers, and Blume Dolls.
  • Giant eggs: These are eggs that are larger than regular eggs and contain multiple surprises inside. The surprises can be related to a theme or a character. The giant eggs can also have different designs and decorations on the outside. Some examples of giant eggs are Ryan’s World Giant Mystery Egg, LOL Surprise Big Surprise, and Disney Princess Giant Egg.
  • Themed eggs: These are eggs that are based on a specific theme or franchise. The theme can be related to a movie, a TV show, a game, or a genre. The surprises inside can be characters, items, or accessories from the theme. Some examples of themed eggs are Harry Potter Mystery Egg, Paw Patrol Surprise Egg, and Fortnite Battle Royale Collection Egg.


Egg toy can have many benefits for children who play with them. Some of these benefits are:

  • Fun: Egg toy can provide fun and entertainment for children who enjoy opening the eggs and discovering what is inside. Egg toy can also stimulate their curiosity and imagination by creating stories and scenarios with their surprises.
  • Educational: Egg toy can also be educational for children who learn about different topics from their surprises. Egg toy can teach children about animals, colors,
  • Collectible: Egg toy can also be collectible for children who want to complete their sets or series of surprises. Egg toy can foster their sense of achievement and satisfaction by rewarding them with rare or special surprises. Egg toy can also inspire their creativity and personalization by allowing them to customize their surprises with stickers or accessories.


Egg toy can also have some drawbacks for children who play with them. Some of these drawbacks are:

  • Costly: Egg toy can be costly for parents who have to buy multiple eggs to satisfy their children’s demands or preferences. Egg toy can also be addictive for children who want to collect more and more surprises. Egg toy can also create a sense of competition or envy among children who compare their surprises with others.
  • Wasteful: Egg toy can also be wasteful for the environment, as they generate a lot of plastic waste from the egg shells and the capsules. Egg toy can also be harmful for animals, as they can ingest or choke on the plastic parts. Egg toy can also be unsafe for children, as they can swallow or choke on the small surprises or the glitter.
  • Disappointing: Egg toy can also be disappointing for children who do not get the surprises they want or expect. Egg toy can also create a sense of frustration or dissatisfaction among children who get duplicates or low-quality surprises. Egg toy can also lose their appeal or novelty after a while, as children get bored or lose interest in their surprises.


Egg toy is a type of toy that consists of a plastic egg that contains a surprise inside. Egg toy is popular among kids of all ages, as they enjoy the thrill of opening the egg and discovering what is inside. Egg toy can also be educational, as it can teach kids about different topics, such as animals, colors, shapes, numbers, letters, and more. However, egg toy can also have some drawbacks, such as being costly, wasteful, and disappointing. Therefore, parents and children should be aware of the pros and cons of egg toy before buying or playing with them.

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