
Movir: A Cutting-Edge Technology for Neural Assessment and Rehabilitation

What is Movir?

Movir is a technology that uses virtual reality (VR) to measure and improve the neural fitness of athletes and other individuals. Neural fitness refers to the ability of the brain and nervous system to process information, coordinate movements, and adapt to changing environments. Movir was developed by Incisiv, a company that specializes in VR data and analytics for sports and health.

How does Movir work?

Movir works by tracking how people respond to a range of VR tasks that challenge their cognitive, motor, and sensory abilities. The tasks are designed to simulate real-world scenarios that require quick thinking, precise actions, and situational awareness. Movir uses sensors, cameras, and algorithms to capture and analyze the data from the VR tasks, such as reaction time, accuracy, speed, balance, eye movement, heart rate, and brain activity.

Movir can be used for two main purposes: assessment and rehabilitation. Assessment involves measuring the baseline neural fitness of an individual and comparing it to normative data or previous results. Rehabilitation involves providing personalized feedback and training programs to help an individual improve their neural fitness and recover from injuries or impairments.

What are the benefits of Movir?

Movir has several benefits for athletes and other individuals who want to enhance their performance, health, and well-being. Some of the benefits are:

  • Objective and accurate: Movir provides an objective and accurate measure of neural fitness that is not influenced by human observation or subjective factors. Movir can detect subtle changes in neural function that may otherwise go unnoticed or misdiagnosed.
  • Comprehensive and holistic: Movir covers a wide range of cognitive, motor, and sensory domains that are relevant for various activities and situations. Movir can assess the whole person rather than isolated aspects of their function.
  • Adaptive and personalized: Movir adapts to the level and needs of each individual and provides personalized feedback and training programs that are tailored to their goals and preferences. Movir can also track the progress and outcomes of each individual over time.
  • Engaging and motivating: Movir uses VR to create immersive and realistic environments that are engaging and motivating for the users. Movir can also gamify the tasks and provide rewards and incentives to enhance the user experience.


Movir is a technology that uses VR to measure and improve the neural fitness of athletes and other individuals. Movir was developed by Incisiv, a company that specializes in VR data and analytics for sports and health. Movir works by tracking how people respond to a range of VR tasks that challenge their cognitive, motor, and sensory abilities. Movir can be used for assessment and rehabilitation purposes. Movir has several benefits for enhancing performance, health, and well-being, such as being objective, accurate, comprehensive, holistic, adaptive, personalized, engaging, and motivating.

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